In this subject students will undertake Work Integrated Learning (placement) which introduces the student to the mental health environment and assists the student to gain an understanding of mental health issues that may impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.
This subject will cover the following modules:
Module 1: Pawu - Ngiyampaa (middle) of clinical placementModule 2: Mutha - Yindjibarndi (end) of clinical placement
Assessment items
1. WIL Attendance Plan Level 1
2. Clinical Placement Assessment Workbook Level 1
3. Professional Experience Portfolio
Enrolment restrictions
- Restricted to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
- Restricted to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Health Science (Mental Health).
- Restricted to students enrolled in the Associate Degree in Health Science (Mental Health).
- Restricted to students enrolled in the Diploma of Health Science (Mental Health).
- Not available to students who have successfully completed MHP111 of MHP110
Work integrated learning
Placement Duration 120 hours Details 15 days or 120 hours (3 weeks x 40 hours per week)Practicum/Clinical Placement - Students obtain and demonstrate valuable professional skills and competencies relevant to their area of professional practice. These “field experiences” include opportunities for students to observe and participate in work-based activities. They … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning activities
Mental Health Clinical 1
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Students attending compulsory intensive schools on Charles Sturt campuses will incur costs associated with travel, accommodation and required resources.
Students attending compulsory Work Integrated Learning will incur costs associated with travel, accommodation and required resources.