
This subject allows students to examine horse behaviour and training methods in detail. Students will be able to thoroughly appraise the importance of stimulus control for horse welfare and human safety and experience the use of established training strategies and theories in order to achieve a specified goal. The role … For more content click the Read More button below.


Fundamentals of behaviour, learning and memoryTraining principles, stimulus, response, reinforcement and stimulus controlTraining methods to include indicators of stress, conflict and fear and conditioned emotional responsesProblem solving using conditioning, habituation, extinction, stimulus generalisation, bridging, chaining/stringing, superstitious learning, shaping, counter-conditioning, desensitisation, overshadowing and stimulus blendingHorse-trainer-rider relationship and effective horse training using … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
appraise the limitations of equine learning abilities and establish underpinning training principles;
assess the importance, and demonstrate implementation of stimulus control within equitation training;
analyse and determine effectiveness of real-life training methods in a range of horse uses and equestrian disciplines;
analyse causes of difficulties in training and provide behavioural strategies for their resolution;
deconstruct the horse-trainer-rider relationship in order to facilitate effective horse training;
differentiate and appraise the relationships between contributing factors such as tradition, culture and within Australia, Indigenous Australian impact with respect to horse welfare and quality of life; and
identify and employ appropriate communication modes depending on the context (of the conversation), the nature of the recipient audience and the topic under discussion.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is restricted to students enrolled in Bachelor of Equine Science and Bachelor of Equine Science (Business Management). Bachelor of Animal Science and Bachelor of Animal Science (Honours) may also enroll with permission of the Subject Coordinator and their Course Director.

Learning activities

Intensive School