
‘Physiotherapy Clinical Practice Competency' provides physiotherapy students with the opportunity to undertake sustained periods of physiotherapy clinical practice in a diverse range of workplace settings. The purpose of these three (3) five week clinical placements is to enable students to further develop and consolidate their knowledge, skills and attributes in: … For more content click the Read More button below.


Three (3) five week placements equivalent to 75 days;Clinical placements will be offered in a diverse range of settings including but not limited to: hospitals; community based facilities; schools based services; outpatient settings;Application of physiotherapy practice knowledge across a broad range of practice settings and relevant to diverse client groups;Safe … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to integrate and apply knowledge gained from academic subjects into a variety of clinical settings;
be able to demonstrate achievement of the standards required of an entry level physiotherapist according to the Physiotherapy Practice Thresholds in Australia and Aotearoa, New Zealand (2015);
be able to articulate and demonstrate their achievement of entry-level competency and the CSU Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs);
be able to effectively integrate skills in assessment, clinical reasoning, planning and implementation of physiotherapy intervention in the management of a client's condition; and
be able to demonstrate leadership capabilities and describe possible professional development strategies to continue to develop qualities of leadership in the workplace.

Work integrated learning

Placement Duration 75 days Details Students undertaking this subject will complete three (3) five week placements equivalent to 75 days. Students will be assessed for safety and competency in a range of physiotherapy skills and settings that reflect integration of knowledge and practice in core areas.

Learning activities

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

Students are required to attend a full-time clinical placement. Students attending compulsory workplace learning placements are responsible for all associated travel, accommodation and required resources.