
This subject will build on a student's knowledge of normal movement, biomechanics, neuroscience, exercise physiology and the principles of motor control, in order to analyse neurological pathology in the adult population. Students will extend their practical skills in neurological and musculoskelatal assessment, relevant to clients with neurological disorders. This subject … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: Theoretical foundations of physiotherapy in neurological rehabilitation assessment and treatment in neural and non-neural components of movement disorders in adults;Theoretical foundations of physiotherapy in neurological rehabilitation practice in functional movement areas;Functional and collaborative goal setting for adults within the International Classification of Functioning, … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate professional and ethical behaviour appropriate to adult neurological physiotherapy practice;
safely and effectively apply a range of physiotherapy assessment tests, tools, and evaluation or outcome measures, relevant to adult neurological physiotherapy practice;
plan, deliver and document safe and effective evidence-based physiotherapy interventions relevant to adult neurological physiotherapy practice;
communicate effectively with and involve clients, peers and relevant others in the planning and implementation of adult neurological physiotherapy;
reflect critically on their clinical reasoning and professional practice in order to propose actions for continuous improvement;
demonstrate skills in producing well-argued and carefully constructed accounts of complex thinking relevant to the evaluation of neurological physiotherapy scenarios; and
evaluate and use evidence-based information to inform decision making and develop and guide their own knowledge, learning and practice.

Assumed knowledge

It is assumed that students have completed PHS112 and/or have foundational knowledge about physiotherapy practice.