In this subject students begin their journey in the Radiation Therapy specialisation and consolidate their developing understanding in the clinical environment (2 x 4 weeks Practicum). Students will explore professionalism, ethics and law, radiation safety, patient care and communication along with a range of radiation therapy treatments and the underlying … For more content click the Read More button below.
The principles and practices of radiation therapy to a range of patient cases including those with disease in the pelvis, chest region and also oncologic emergencies;Module 1: oncological emergencies; respiratory, digestive systemModule 2: genitourinary, gynaecological, breastIN EACH MODULE THE FOLLOWING WILL BE INCLUDED:radiation therapy treatment plans for a range of … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to describe, explain and implement professional practice with specific reference to applying anatomy, physiology and pathology, applying the principles of physics and instrumentation, utilising clinical information management systems, determining appropriate procedures, patient assessment and due diligence, deliver appropriate care and stabilisation/reproducibility techniques, and manage / manipulate 3D datasets (MRPBA Domain 1);
be able to describe and apply understanding of practice in radiation therapy with specific reference to appropriate use of stabilisation devices, application of treatment simulation techniques, knowledge and application of treatment planning and dosimetry, CT imaging, and of treatment techniques according to approved plans (MRPBA Domain 1 and 1C);
be able to describe and apply the principles of radiation safety and risk management with specific reference to safe radiation practice, protecting/enhancing patient safety, ensuring safe operation of equipment, maintain safety of self and others and safely managing radiation (MRPBA Domain 5);
be able to explain and apply the principles of evidence based practice and professional learning with specific reference to critical thinking, analytical appraisal and reflective skills related to clinical imaging, problem solving and decision making (MRPBA Domain 4.1)
be able to recognise opportunities to develop new knowledge through research and enquiry, and contribute to the enhancement of the profession (MRPBA Domain 2.5 and 4.1d);
be able to identify, explain and implement professional and ethical conduct with specific reference to practicing in an ethical, non-discriminatory, professional and legal manner, providing appropriate care, assuming accountability and responsibility, and patient advocacy (MRPBA Domain 2);
be able to apply digital technology and digital literacy skills for professional practice and research and demonstrate digital citizenship in online learning and professional communities (MRPBA Domain 4);
be able to perform quality evaluation of image datasets, identify limitations and recognise artefacts, including identifying and reporting urgent or unexpected findings (MRPBA Domain 1.7b and c);
be able to demonstrate communication and collaboration skills with specific reference to clear, sensitive and effective, culturally appropriate communication to create culturally safe environments and collaborating with other health practitioners (MRPBA Domain 3); and
be able to recognise the need for appropriate decisions about the care of patients before, during, and after the examination/treatment. (MRPBA Domain 1.7d; 2.3a).
Enrolment restrictions
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Radiation Therapy)
Work integrated learning
Placement Duration 40 days Details Students undertake 2 blocks of 4 weeks clinical placement under the supervision of registered radiation therapists at approved clinical sites mapped with MRPBA. Placement sites include approved sites in rural, regional and metropolitan sites; and public and private departments.InPlace software is utilised on placement by … For more content click the Read More button below.