
This subject is designed to introduce the principles and practice of Radiation Therapy related to specific cancer types and sites of the body. The subject material includes the study of radiation oncology, related pathology and imaging anatomy for several sites in the body. Students will constructively reflect on previous clinical … For more content click the Read More button below.


the principles and practices of radiation therapy to a range of patient cases including those with disease in the pelvis, chest and also oncologic emergenciesradiation therapy treatment plans for a range of patient casessimulation of clinical treatmentcommunication in a team with peersreflective practice as undertaken in a radiation therapy environmentdevelopment … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to describe in detail radiation therapy treatment techniques used for a range of specific cancers commencing in the pelvis and chest and oncologic emergencies. This will then be followed by the therapy treatment techniques used in the thoracic and abdominal cavities.
be able to demonstrate an ability to discuss and compare different radiation therapy techniques appropriate for a range of cancer patients depending on varying patient needs and limitations.
be able to create and evaluate treatment plans for patient cases provided, demonstrate a working knowledge of dosimetry, imaging anatomy, physiology and pathology.
be able to identify and explain critical patient care issues as related to a range of specific cancer patients.
be able to demonstrate an ability to create and reflect on radiation therapy treatment plans appropriate for a range of case studies including those for the pelvis and chest.
be able to construct an electronic ePortfolio in which to store, showcase and reflect on radiation therapy treatment plans created, including active participation in self and peer review.
be able to apply the theory of Evidence-based practice to produce a team based research project that demonstrates developing searching, analysis and evaluation skills, as well as oral and written presentation capabilities.
be able to demonstrate effective use of 3 dimensional radiation therapy treatment planning system.

Enrolment restrictions

Enrolment in the Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Radiation Therapy)