
This subject provides an introduction to the classification, naming, identification and floral biology of plants. The taxonomy and reclassification of Australia's two largest and iconic plant groups, the acacias and the eucalypts, are emphasised. Students will develop skills in preparing and curating herbarium specimens, and in identifying native and exotic … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: The need for classification;Types of classification;History of plant taxonomy;Botanical nomenclature;Identification methods;Key construction;Eucalypt classification;Floral biology;Flowering plant and structure;Floral diagrams and formulae;Identification of native and exotic plants by use of dichotomous keys;Use of multi-access keys;Key construction; andComputer assisted identification.

Assessment items

1. Online activities
2. Characteristics Herbarium
3. Identification test
4. Family recognition test
5. Acacia key
6. Final Exam

Learning activities

HRT202 intensive school

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

This subject has a significant online interactive content through the Charles Sturt University Virtual Herbarium website. It is expected that students will become familiar with these resources as they prepare their assignments and prepare for intensive school attendance. Announcements need to be checked regularly for important news. The Subject Schedule … For more content click the Read More button below. EASTS is the link for submitting your assignments online. Follow instructions on how to upload your completed assignments. Discussion forums encourage you to engage in critical conversation and reflection with your peers and the coordinator. Some assessment activities may be conducted via the Forums. Readings and Resources contain all your reading material. Topic folders contain information and learning activities relevant to the subject.