This subject provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of biology. The syllabus covers seven key topics relevant to first year students commencing a degree in the life sciences and therefore effectively offers an introductory biology subject for all science courses, particularly animal science, as well as an introduction to … For more content click the Read More button below.
This subject will cover the following topics:
The Cell - The nature of biology and science; Cells and the basis of life;Biomolecules and Cellular Biochemistry - The chemical basis of life; Biological molecules; Cell membranes and transport; Enzymes and bioenergetics; Energy from fuel molecules; Photosynthesis;Cellular Reproduction and Genetics - Cellular … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
observe and record scientific information;
apply basic techniques and become familiar with the equipment used to conduct biological investigations;
describe and classify the biological basis for life;
explain key biological concepts related to the cell, biochemistry and inheritance;
explain key biological concepts related to both animal and plant anatomy and physiology; and
describe the importance of diversity, evolution and the basic ecological drivers and interactions in populations, communities and ecosystems.
Enrolment restrictions
Learning activities
Intensive School
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
There is a 4 day intensive school associated with this subject which may incur travel and accommodation expenses for students.