In this subject students will develop a critical knowledge of English language and literacy as socio-cultural practice and investigate the everyday literacy practices of human beings, particularly young children. Students will develop an understanding of evidence-based practices across the following elements: oral language, phonemic awareness, comprehension, vocabulary, phonics and fluency. … For more content click the Read More button below.
English language and literacy in the everyday lives of young children: an introduction to socio-cultural perspectivesOral language: acquisition, use and developmentEnglish language learning and literacy practice: understanding transitionsLiterature and the role of texts for language and literacy learning in early childhoodPlay, language and learning: phonemic awareness and comprehension
Assessment items
1. An introduction to language development
2. Early language development: A sociocultural view
3. Quality books for the Read Aloud
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to articulate knowledge of English language and literacy as socio-cultural practice;
be able to discuss oral language acquisition and the everyday language and literacy practices of young children;
be able to articulate knowledge about phonics and phonemic awareness and their relationship to everyday language and literacy practices of young children;
be able to discuss transitions (for example, to preschool, to school, to new social contexts) as related to language, learning and literacy practices;
be able to describe the relationship between language, literacy and literature;
be able to describe different aspects of reading and writing as these relate to language, learning and literature, and everyday literacy practices;
be able to explain how texts (literary, factual, multimodal and digital) support the literacy learning of young children between 0 and 8 years of age; and
be able to explain connections between play, language and learning.
Enrolment restrictions
This subject is not available to students who have completed EMC203, EML110, EML302 and EML449.