This subject is designed for students with some teaching experience in the adult and vocational sector; such as completion of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, or have been teaching informally (for example in a non-RTO community setting), or undertaken a supervised teaching placement as part of a formal … For more content click the Read More button below.
The subject will cover the following topics:
Reflection on professional practiceReflective learningReflective teachingReflection-on-action and reflection-in-actionStrategies for reflection and self-evaluationBeing a reflective practitionerReflecting on practice (in the context of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment) or the completion of a supervised teaching placement, to a higher level of professional expertiseEvaluating … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Critically reflecting on theory and practice
2. Reflecting on ongoing professional learning
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to discuss the value of reflection in the ongoing development of professional expertise;
be able to discuss a number of theories of reflection;
be able to apply a theory of reflection to examine own professional practice;
be able to discuss a number of continuing professional learning approaches and their usefulness in relation to lifelong learning;
be able to analyse classroom and/or workplace environments for their learning potential;
be able to critically reflect on their own professional practice in the context of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110/TAE40116) or the completion of a supervised teaching placement, to a higher level of professional expertise; and
be able to critically analyse and use current professional literature in order to increase the efficacy of their own practice and their professional understanding.
Enrolment restrictions
This subject is only available to students enrolled in the:
Graduate Certificate in Adult and Vocational Education
Graduate Diploma of Adult and Vocational Education
Master of Adult of Vocational Education
Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Prescribed text
Rushton, I. And Suter, M. (2012) Reflective Practice for Teaching in Lifelong Learning, Open University Press.