
The Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours) is designed to produce graduates that are capable of addressing complex problems in the Agricultural industry. Students will integrate elements of biological, environmental, social, cultural, ethical, management and communication theories and will formulate innovative solutions in line with defined goals and values using a client/advisor approach. The course uses the scientific method as the principal philosophical approach to problem solving, with a particular focus on the production of primary and secondary products of plant and animal origin. Teaching in this course will be grounded in a combination of traditional fundamental sciences and theories as well as current in applications using a “research led teaching” strategy. It aims to supply the industry with graduates that have a strong understanding of contemporary issues in Agriculture and are able to evaluate and adopt new technologies and practices. Finally, it aims to produce graduates that will contribute positively to the Australian society by displaying strong ethical, social, cultural and communication skills.

In addition, the Honours course aims to produce graduates that are confident in designing a research project; gathering, analysing and discussing data; and formulating and communicating appropriate recommendations.

Admission and Credit


Entry Requirement

Other graduation requirements

This course contains workplace learning components requiring students to spend time on a farm and/or agricultural businesses (AGS120, PSC221 and AGS300). Additional workplace learning may be required depending on restricted elective selection. 

Language requirements



Essential set256 Credit Points

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Integrated Honours