Graduates will have a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply methods and technologies to: analyse information to complete a range of activities relevant to the role of Health Care Assistant; interpret and transmit solutions to unpredictable and sometimes complex problems; and transmit information and skills to others. Graduates at this level will work under the supervision of a registered health practitioner, to provide advice and functions within broad parameters, and will apply their knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy and judgement in contexts that are subject to change.
Admission and Credit
Entry Requirement
Language requirements
Course information
Essential set 128 Credit Points
Enrolment Pattern
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this course, graduates will be able to:
confident in understanding the role of health professionals
appraise their strengths, limitations and capabilities
understand the importance of lifelong learning and evidence-based practice. They will begin to demonstrate capability as inquirers to locate, evaluate, manage, and use information and research to develop and guide their own knowledge and learning
sound understanding of humans as occupational beings, and the concepts of person, environment and occupation
intermediate communication skills to promote health and wellbeing in their communities
competent literacy and numeracy skills necessary to understand and interpret information and communicate according to the context
practise and implement resilience and self-care strategies
apply their understanding of the processes of reconciliation based on understanding the culture, experiences, histories and contemporary issues of Indigenous Australian communities as part of their professional reasoning
demonstrate the application of occupation in developing, restoring and improving occupational engagement for individuals and groups
consider the diversity of theoretical approaches to occupational therapy and the diverse contexts of practice
use their understanding of diversity and the common good to begin to work constructively, respectfully and effectively with local and global communities and workplaces
ethically, legally and safely use technology to select, create and share information and participate in online learning, professional and social communities
Related courses
Articulated Set
Exit Award
Integrated Honours
Alternative exit options
The Associate Degree [exit point only] is a sub-degree within the Bachelor, credit is given in each higher level course for the subjects completed in the lower.