
The aim of this course is to provide students with greater depth and knowledge in this growing area of practice. Undergraduate programs provide foundational knowledge of case management whilst this program will extend students in order to create specialist practitioners. Case Management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation and advocacy involving a large number of stakeholders. Students engaging in this course will learn how to apply these skills in order to provide high quality case management services to clients with diverse needs in diverse services settings. In addition they will achieve high level communication skills and will employ key concepts for working with culturally diverse individuals and communities. Finally students undertaking this program will practice in an effective, sustainable and ethical way.

Admission and Credit


Entry Requirement


Essential set 32 Credit Points

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, graduates will be able to:
Be able to apply and critically evaluate the case management model as a form of practice and how assessment, planning, linking and monitoring tasks are applied to an intervention
Be able to independently research and apply the theories and frameworks that inform case management practice and the delivery of these to a range of contexts
Be able to demonstrate effective communication and advocacy skills for client- centered outcomes
Be able to use research to critically reflect on and identify both opportunities and challenges for delivering case management in an ethical and socially just way
Be able to illustrate engagement with a range of stakeholders, consumer groups in diverse geographical, social and cultural contexts to provide client centered outcomes
Be able to demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills to initiate, plan, implement and evaluate effective case management interventions.