The aim of the course is to:
- provide students with foundational knowledge in the study of Islam, giving them a basic understanding of the social, historic, practical, contemporary and spiritual aspects of Islam;
- provide students with the skills to understand Islamic Studies in a changing context;
- provide a course in Islamic Studies for students for whom a 1 or 2 year study program is their preferred option; and
- provide a platform and incentive to further their studies in Islamic Studies.
Admission and Credit
Entry Requirement
Essential set64 Credit Points
Enrolment Pattern
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this course, graduates will be able to:
demonstrate basic knowledge in Islamic theology, Islamic history, Islamic practice and contemporary issues relating to the Muslim community;
demonstrate proficiency in reading and understanding the Qur’an;
develop basic skills in critical thinking in Islamic Studies;
demonstrate an understanding of the expectations and requirements of successful tertiary study;
demonstrate the capacity to undertake further studies in Islamic Studies beyond the Diploma level.
Related courses
Articulated Set
Alternative exit options
The Bachelor, Associate Degree [Exit Point Only] and Diploma [Exit Point Only] make up an articulated set of courses and credit is given in each higher level course for the subjects completed in the lower.