The aims of the course are to provide students with formal educational qualifications that reflect a generalist level of study; provide an understanding of conceptual tools, theories and methodologies in nominated areas of study in education; and to provide an orientation to the purposes, functions and practices within nominated areas of study.
The course of study students are advised to undertake is individually tailored to accommodate prior university studies if applicable, and the student's career goals. Specifically this course may also enable students to:
- complete a second specialist teaching area in a specified curriculum area;
- complete further studies in the content area of a specified secondary curriculum area;
- complete further studies in a new teaching area not originally covered in a currently held secondary teaching qualification;
- complete further studies to upgrade primary teaching qualifications to include high school accreditation;
- complete further studies to upgrade primary teachers with three year training qualifications to include a fourth year of training in their qualifications;
- complete further studies to upgrade high school teaching qualifications to include primary school accreditation;
- complete studies for Charles Sturt University students in accredited teacher degrees who seek to exit their accredited degree and be awarded a general education degree.
Admission and Credit
Entry Requirement
Associate Degree in Educational Studies [Exit point only]128 Credit Points
Enrolment pattern
Refer to 3409ES01 Bachelor of Educational Studies.
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this course, graduates will be able to:
utilise a broad range of cognitive, technical and creative communication and thinking skills to analyse information in educational settings in some depth;
provide and transmit solutions to unpredictable and sometimes complex problems and transmit information to others in a range of educational contexts;
apply technical and theoretical knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement, initiative and responsibility in a range of nominated educational contexts;
access and apply specialised knowledge, resources and skills in a range of paraprofessional education work contexts and for lifelong learning;
anticipate, identify, analyse, synthesise and act on information and changed circumstances in a range of educational contexts and across a range of educational activities;
demonstrate initiative, ethical responsibility and judgement in organising the work of self and other education professionals and plan, coordinate and evaluate the work of teams within broad parameters in educational settings;
effectively communicate and collaborate with colleagues to recognise and solve problems, and to make a clear and coherent presentation of knowledge and ideas with some intellectual independence;
adapt fundamental principles, concepts and techniques within known and unknown educational environments and circumstances.
Related courses
Articulated Set
Exit Award