Understanding processes of colonisation and decolonisation, particularly in relation to policy and practice within Human Services, are central features of this subject, and will enable students to work effectively with Indigenous Australians. This focus on Human Services practice will be guided by the worldviews and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres … For more content click the Read More button below.
Historical frameworks of Human Services practice within Indigenous Australian communitiesRacism and Discrimination towards Indigenous Australians within Australian Human ServicesColonisation and its impact on Indigenous AustraliansAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples' perceptions of wellbeingDecolonisation and emerging frameworks of Australian Human Services practiceAustralian Human Services Policy and Practice related to Aboriginal and … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Developing a Community Portfolio
2. Essay/Case Study
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to apply decolonising frameworks of practice, including `thinking, doing and being', from an Indigenous Australian perspective;
be able to articulate Indigenous Australian worldviews for use in Human Services practice;
be able to demonstrate knowledge and respect for Indigenous Australian cultures while undertaking Human Services work;
be able to demonstrate an understanding of colonisation and its impact on Indigenous Australian peoples, families and communities, when undertaking Human Services work;
be able to articulate, within Human Services practice, the significance of Australian Aboriginal heritage and culture in contributing to the wellbeing of Indigenous Australians; and
be able to effectively apply proficiency in the use of Indigenous Australian protocols, when undertaking Human Services work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
Assumed knowledge
IKC101 Indigenous Australian Cultures, Histories and Contemporary Realities, or equivalent.