This subject explores the role of human service professionals in the context of the global environmental crisis. A model of transformative ecosocial practice is introduced, involving a distinct philosophical base of practice that emphasises holism and interdependence with the natural world. By exploring the influence of dominant discourses, including colonialism, … For more content click the Read More button below.
The subject syllabus consists of the following topic areas:
Understanding an ecosocial approach in human servicesImpacts of the global environmental crisis on human and non-humansConceptualising relational understanding of human wellbeingA framework for transformative ecosocial practice in human servicesDominant discourses influencing ecosocial practice in human services, including colonialism, modernism, and patriarchyNon-dominant … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Low stakes event
2. Analysis
3. Practice report
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
to examine the impacts of the global environmental crisis on human and non-human wellbeing.
to analyse the influence of dominant discourses on ecosocial practice in human services, including colonialism, modernism, patriarchy, and neoliberalism.
to apply non-dominant knowledges for informing ecosocial practice in human services, including Indigenous Australian, worldwide Indigenous, Global Southern, and eco-feminist perspectives.
to apply the foundations of ecosocial practice in human services, including being, thinking, and doing dimensions.
Assumed knowledge