
'Disaster recovery' often focuses on the technical, practical and physical aspects of recovery, leaving social, psychological, spiritual and communal aspects under-explored. This subject takes a holistic eco social approach and focuses on the multidimensional nature of recovery from disasters. Students will explore the current environmental context in relation to different … For more content click the Read More button below.


Situating disaster recovery in the human services domain as a multidimensional issueContemporary environmental issues: global warming, climate change, adverse weather eventsTypes of disaster, the multidimensional impacts of disaster and approaches to disaster recoveryConceptualising communities: context, social structures, patterns of advantage and disadvantageImpacts of dominant and marginalised discourses on disaster recovery; … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Workbook
2. Presentation and report

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to explain disaster recovery as a multidimensional, human services issue;
be able to explain different types of disaster in the context of climate change;
be able to analyse how 'sense of place', community context, notions of resilience and social structures impact on disaster recovery;
be able to analyse impacts of discourses, policy, service systems and governance on disaster recovery; and
be able to apply multidimensional perspectives of human services practice in the context of disaster recovery.