
This subject provides students with knowledge of a broad range of theoretical frameworks relating to the construct of addiction as well as the mechanisms of action and effects of a range of drugs and other addictions. This subject also aims to provide students with a theoretical framework to critically analyse … For more content click the Read More button below.


A range of theoretical approaches to the construct of addiction.An overview of the health and social consequences of addiction.An examination of the issue of addiction in various population sub groups. A range of approaches to prevention and treatment of addiction with a focus on harm reduction.

Assessment items

1. Short answer questions
2. Essay question

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
Describe the processes of drug absorption and distribution;
Describe the actions of various drugs in the Central Nervous System;
Critically describe and apply the mechanisms of tolerance, physical dependence and withdrawal in a range of different settings;
Critically describe and assess the influence of psychological, social, cultural and political factors on addiction; and
Outline and critically reflect on behavioural and social models of addiction.