This subject explores how to give positive behavioural support to people with distressed or 'challenging’ behaviours because of intellectual disability: cognitive impairment or dementia. Students will focus on one of these two groups. The subject adopts a critical and holistic biopsychosocial approach to understanding the functions of behaviour and its … For more content click the Read More button below.
Values and Ethics and Duty of CareOrientation to learning about facilitating positive behavioursChallenging Behaviour - Core Concepts.Challenging behaviours - DefinitionsApproaches to InterventionOrganisational ContextFamily caregivers
Assessment items
1. Forum posting and short answer questions
2. Consumer Participation, Choice and Behaviour
3. Case study - Behaviours of Concern
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
demonstrate an understanding of the bio-psycho-social model of healthcare intervention and its application to working with people demonstrating challenging behaviours.
demonstrate an understanding of behavioural principles and of behaviour as a means of communication
demonstrate an understanding of how human rights, legal perspectives and the concept of ability can be applied in practice in relation to behaviour change
appropriately utilise the terminology of behaviours of concern, challenging behaviour and positive behavioural approaches
demonstrate the skills to facilitate positive behaviours as a primary approach to practice, with behaviour management as a secondary approach
demonstrate understanding of, and ability to utilise a range of behavioural change models.
assess the respective roles of behavioural, social, environmental, psychological, economic, political and personal aspects, including staff interactions, as influences on behaviour.
demonstrate an understanding of the potential impacts of challenging behaviours on staff, organizations and family caregivers.
utilise the concepts of functional analysis, functional assessment and the use of charting (ABC - Antecedent Behaviour and Consequence) as tools for predicting, understanding and analyzing behaviours