
This subject introduces students to the interdisciplinary study of theatre including the practical and theoretical aspects of staging live and mediated performance. It introduces strategies to manage performing arts practice and students develop their understanding of technical production roles and production planning. Students explore and apply a range of collaborative … For more content click the Read More button below.


ImprovisationStorytelling and dramatised storytellingCommunication, creativity and collaborationProduction and presentationTheatre and the performing arts industry Overview of theatre production rolesSafe use of production equipment and spacesPlanning for live theatre and special event productions

Assessment items

1. Production Planning
2. Technical Comprehension Quiz
3. Storytelling and Performance

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to apply theoretical knowledge of performance and storytelling;
be able to develop strategies for collaboration and problem-solving in a creative context;
be able to demonstrate an understanding of theatre workplace health and safety responsibilities; and
be able to demonstrate an understanding of production roles and arts project management.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is not available to students who have completed THM109 as it shares similar content.