
In this subject, students develop competence in speech pathology intervention for language, cognition and multimodal communication. Students develop knowledge, skills and attributes relevant to negotiating and planning intervention with clients and their carers. They develop and demonstrate practical and professional skills used in the implementation and monitoring of interventions for … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: Speech pathology intervention language, literacy, social communication and cognitive impairments;Discussion and negotiation of goals for management of language, literacy, social communication and cognitive impairments;Planning and negotiating intervention procedures and models of service delivery;Communicating current evidence in language, literacy, social communication and cognition intervention … For more content click the Read More button below.

Enrolment restrictions

Restricted to students enrolled in the Master of Speech Pathology.

Not available to students who have successfully completed SPH529.

Work integrated learning

Placement Duration 0 hours Details There are no additional WPL days. The WPL activities will be completed during the 3.5 day intensive school.

Learning activities

Intensive school

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

Students attending compulsory intensive schools on Charles Sturt campuses will incur costs associated with travel, accommodation and required resources.