
In this subject, students extend their knowledge of frameworks of practice and critically reflect on the ways in which these frameworks interact with issues of ethics, access and equity in a range of diverse contexts. Students synthesise their understanding of the frameworks for practice with knowledge of service delivery models … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: Ethics;Barriers and facilitators to access and equity;Geographical factors;Institutional factors;Socio-cultural factors;Community-based practice; andCommunication access, including observation and analysis of everyday communication contexts (ethnography).

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
apply research skills to investigate the roles of geographic, institutional and sociocultural contexts, theoretically and in relation to specific client or community case studies;
critically reflect on how professional and institutional practices, frameworks for practice, and geographic and sociocultural contexts facilitate or challenge the equity of access of speech pathology services, and explain how these frameworks and contexts shape professional practice;
use technical, creative and communication skills, including a range of academic and digital literacy skills, to communicate with specialist and non-specialist audiences;
reflect critically on their beliefs, attitudes and values in relation to issues of access and equity in a way that demonstrates knowledge of ethical and professional frameworks; and
observe and evaluate the barriers and facilitators to communication within a local environment.

Enrolment restrictions

Restricted to students enrolled in the Master of Speech Pathology.