This subject introduces the students to the role of data and data analysis in decision making in organisations, including methods of sourcing, collecting and examining relevant data. Commonly used tools and techniques for data analysis, interpretation and presentation are then introduced, through the practical consideration of authentic data sets using … For more content click the Read More button below.
Introduction to business analyticsData preparation and managementData visualisationNumerical summary measuresProbability concepts with business applicationsProbability distributionsIntroduction to statistical inferenceEstimation for single populationHypothesis testing for a single populationSimple linear regression and correlation
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to discuss the basic concepts relating to data analytics (including big data);
be able to recognise the various types and sources of data;
be able to extract value from data sets for informed decision making;
be able to identify and determine the appropriate statistical technique to analyse data:
be able to apply relevant software tools to summarise and analyse data; and
be able to present and communicate relevant decisions arising from the analysis of data.
Enrolment restrictions
STA201, STA401, STA501 and QBM120 each contain approximately 50% overlap of content. Subjects are sufficiently different in content and context to both be studied.
QBM117 contains approximately 75% overlap of content. Subjects are similar in content and context and so are incompatible