
This subject will develop students' broader understanding of contemporary Australian history and politics, including how history and politics affect the lived experiences of Indigenous Australians from British invasion to the present. From a political history disciplinary perspective, this subject will ask students to analyse and interpret the impact of social … For more content click the Read More button below.


Beginnings - Indigenous Australians' presence in Australia prior to 1788.Newcomers - The First Fleet: conquest and convicts. Colonial attitudes and British impact on Indigenous Australians, including the doctrine of Terra Nullius.Resistance - Frontier Wars and Indigenous Australian resistance.Further themes in 19th century history and politics - democracy, gold, and racism. … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Discussion BLOGs
2. Essay Plan and Annotated Bibliography
3. Major Essay

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to analyse the key political and historical themes and influences in Australia in relation to the impact of past policy and practice on Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians from pre-invasion to today;
be able to analyse how power and privilege operates in relation to the self and to the experiences of Indigenous Australians, migrants and women;
be able to articulate how Australian governments and democracy operate, including links to policy and influence, past and present; and
be able to apply knowledge and skills to communicate complex ideas in relation to history and politics using research, critical thinking and be able to demonstrate these in academic writing.

Enrolment restrictions

Not available to students who have completed subject POL112 Understanding Australia: History, Politics and Society