
In this subject, students are introduced to a range of ethical theories, which they will apply to important moral questions. Central theoretical questions include: ‘Must we always bring about the morally best outcome?', ‘Are we ever permitted to prioritise ourselves over others?', and ‘Does the duty to bring about the … For more content click the Read More button below.


ConsequentialismDeontologyDoing, allowing, and double effectThe trolley problemVirtue ethicsWhy be moral?Criminal justice: navigating retribution and rehabilitationClimate change and individual dutiesJust resource allocation in a world of scarcityBioethicsPaternalism and our duties towards vulnerable individuals

Assessment items

1. Write a micro short story
2. Record an ethical debate
3. Write a New Yorker style opinion piece

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to critically evaluate a range of ethical theories;
be able to demonstrate an understanding of the central moral notions deployed in these theories;
be able to employ moral reasoning skills in evaluating a relevant field of practice;
be able to find solutions to moral dilemmas; and
be able to apply theoretical ethical notions in concrete decision making.