
Students explore and become familiar with the imaging modalities of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound. Fundamental principles and clinical protocols / applications of MRI and ultrasound, and a range of non-ionising imaging modalities will be introduced. Students can expect to gain a working knowledge of the principles and application … For more content click the Read More button below.


MODULE 1: MRI 1. Basic principles of MRI image production2. Clinical application of MRI3. ProtocolsMODULE 2: ULTRASOUND4. Basic principles of ultrasound image production5. Clinical application of ultrasoundMODULE 3: OTHER TECHNOLOGIES6. Optical imaging7. Near-infrared imaging8. Photoacoustic imaging9. Emerging technologies

Assumed knowledge

MRS110 introduction to Medical Radiation Science

PHY115 Physics for Medical Radiation Science

MRS204 Sectional Anatomy

MRS212 Imaging Pathology