
This subject focuses on strategic approaches to marketing management and deals with the process of developing and implementing a marketing strategy. Further, it examines how these processes can be managed to gain and sustain superior performance in the competitive market place. A closer examination of the business mission, strategies and … For more content click the Read More button below.


Marketing strategy and planningCompetitive market analysis; customer analysis, competitor analysisUnderstanding the organisational resource baseMarket segmentation and positioningCreating sustainable competitive advantageCompetitive positioning strategiesStrategy implementationStrategy implementation and internal marketing

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify and explain the relationship between strategic marketing planning and organisational strategy.
be able to explain the concept of market orientation and its relevance to various functions/departments within an organisation.
be able to apply appropriate tools to analyse and better understand both the external and internal environments of a business.
be able to devise marketing strategies to achieve organisational objectives using a range of strategic assessment tools and informational resources.
be able to contextualise strategic marketing across a range of organisational types and settings to develop competitve advantage.

Assumed knowledge


Enrolment restrictions

Students completing Stages I, II and III of the Bachelor of Business Studies China Program or students enrolled in a Transnational Education Partner Program only. Not available to students who have studied MKT381 or MKT340.