Innovation is critical for organisations in an era of rapid and continual change. This subject focuses on innovation in goods and services and looks and the risks and returns associated with new product development. Organisation structure and practices that foster innovation are examined alongside a detailed focus on the activities … For more content click the Read More button below.
The importance of innovationFactors for success in new product developmentThe new product development processIssues in new service developmentStrategic planning for new productsCreativity and idea generationManagement evaluation of concepts and concept testing with consumersProduct and service design and product testingOrganising for innovationSpeed in delivering new products to marketLaunching new products: planning, … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to articulate and reflect on the role of innovation in organisations and the challenges companies face in new product development;
be able to apply theoretical concepts of new product and new service development and critically evaluate implementation of these in a variety of contexts;
be able to make recommendations on the design, development and improvement of activities required to take a new product from an idea or opportunity through to a successful launch; and
be able to examine and critically evaluate current new product activities in the market.
Assumed knowledge
Assumed knowledge in this subject is equivalent to that covered in MKT110