In this subject, participants will explore and analyse leadership in the context of contemporary issues. The subject draws on evolving leadership concepts and applications. It addresses emerging topics, including emotional intelligence, leadership of virtual teams, leadership vision, and shaping culture and values. Analysis will incorporate contemporary examples including ethical scandals, … For more content click the Read More button below.
The nature and importance of leadershipPerspectives on leadershipPersonal aspects of leadershipThe leader as a relationship builder
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to provide a comprehensive explanation of the role of leadership;
be able to critically analyse, in the context of the framework of relevant theories and research, current and projected issues which impact on organisational leadership and organisational success;
be able to synthesise issues for organisational leaders and evaluate plausible impacts requiring leadership decisions;
be able to evaluate the relationship between effective leadership and the success of organisations; and
be able to develop a leadership plan and implementation strategies.
Enrolment restrictions
Postgraduate students only