The purpose of this subject is to consolidate and broaden students' understanding of business, particularly in regards to strategic approaches. Students are encouraged to think more broadly about the concept of strategy, and apply their knowledge about industries and companies to the concepts and theories covered in the subject. The … For more content click the Read More button below.
The concept and context of strategic managementLeadership and the strategic management processEvaluating a company's external environmentEvaluating a company's internal environment; resources, capabilities, competitivenessCrafting a strategy and competitive strategiesStrengthening a company's strategy and competitive positioningStrategies for competing in international marketsEthics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Sustainability, and Strategy
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to evaluate and explain the key components of strategic management such as situational analysis, strategy formulation and strategy implementation, and their interrelationships;
be able to apply analytical tools to analyse the external environment and internal situation of a business;
be able to compare and contrast how different competitive strategies allow a business to build competitive advantage and deliver superior value to customers;
be able to differentiate how changes in market conditions across countries can influence strategic choices in international markets; and
be able to analyse and explain the complexities of ethics, CSR (corporate social responsibility) and environmental sustainability in strategic management.
Enrolment restrictions
Students completing Stages I, II and III of the Bachelor of Business Studies China Program or students enrolled in a Transnational Education TAFE Partner Program only. Not available to students who have completed MGT330.