
This subject provides an opportunity for students to develop and evaluate entrepreneurial ideas, projects and ventures. This subject combines the application of entrepreneurial theory with practical business management knowledge. The subject explores the concepts of lean start-ups, the business model canvas, business plans, and feasibility studies and considers a range … For more content click the Read More button below.


Entrepreneurship: definition and evolutionEntrepreneurial mindset/thinking: Individuals and organisationsStart-ups vs. Small Businesses Developing entrepreneurial venturesFinance and fundingPlanning and pitchingGrowth, valuation and harvest

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify and analyse current theory and research in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial behaviour;
be able to recognise and evaluate the opportunities for an entrepreneurial idea and assess its viability for development;
be able to identify and evaluate start-up processes to a lean business model and apply to a potential start-up idea;
be able to develop and present a business plan or business model canvas for an entrepreneurial venture or initiative that is appropriate for different audiences within an organisation;
be able to develop and present a pitch of a business idea for a start-up for potential investors; and
be able to make recommendations for an entrepreneurial project or venture based on sound and justified evidence.

Enrolment restrictions

Available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Studies China