
This subject provides a foundation into the concepts and skills of business analysis. The subject covers the entire process from problem investigation through requirements and information gathering to solution engineering. It also examines stakeholder communication and buy-in principles as part of the solution process, as well as change management and … For more content click the Read More button below.


Introduction: the role of business analysisThe BA lifecycle within enterpriseRequirements elicitationAnalysing requirementsDocumenting requirementsValidating and managing requirementsTools and techniquesStakeholder buy-in and communicationBusiness analysis and technologyImplementation and change management

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to critically analyse the role, purpose and function of business analysis as a professional discipline;
be able to appropriately apply the functions of business analysis tools and techniques;
be able to compare and contrast the elements of the Business Analysis International Qualifications (BAIQ) framework;
be able to design and create suitable solutions to business challenges using the typical tools of business analysis;
be able to devise a stakeholder buy-in and alignment strategy, and to manage and influence the stakeholder decision process; and
be able to integrate solution design with typical business solution implementation processes.

Enrolment restrictions

Only available to students enrolled in IT Masters courses, Master of Business Administration (with specialisations) Articulated Set and Master of Applied Business (with specialisations) Articulated Set