This microcredential introduces students to the discipline of mathematics, its nature, history, philosophy and place in secondary education. It examines the Years 7-12 mathematics curriculum, and in particular the development of content from the Number and Algebra strands within the mathematics K-10 syllabus. It also extends students' knowledge and practice … For more content click the Read More button below.
Part 1: Years 7-10
Module 1 – Theories of learning/Planning for mathematics learning
Module 2 - Mathematics curriculum models
Module 3- Algebraic thinking/Developing the concept of function
Module 4 - Assessment in mathematics
Part 2: Senior Years
Module 1 - Planning a Unit of Work (Teaching, learning, and assessing)
Module … For more content click the Read More button below.
Module 3 - Diversity in the mathematics classroom
Assessment items
1. Part 1: Assessment item 1 - Mathematics curriculum presentation
2. Part 1: Assessment item 2 - Discussion Board posts
3. Part 1: Assessment item 3 - Learning Plans and justification
4. Part 1: Assessment item 4 - Assessment plan and rubric
5. Part 2: Assessment item 1 - Unit of Work task
6. Part 2: Assessment item 2 - Strategic planning task
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
• be able to explain the structure and content of the mathematics 7-10 Syllabus for NSW or the Australian Curriculum, including assessment and reporting requirements and apply this in the development of a sequence of learning activities;
• be able to apply the concepts, content and structure of a Stage 6 Mathematics syllabus in the development of a detailed teaching program for a sequence of lessons;
• be able to apply contemporary models of pedagogy in planning of a sequence of learning activities that develop a foundational mathematical concept,.
• be able to identify, critique, and explain the implications of a range of issues relevant to the teaching and learning of secondary mathematics in the Australian context for a diverse range of learners;
Enrolment restrictions
Evidence of eligibility for teacher accreditation
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Goos, M., Vale, C., Stillman, G., Makar, K., Herbert, S., & Geiger, V. (2017). Teaching secondaryschool mathematics: Research and practice for the 21st century (2nd ed.). Allen & Unwin.