
This subject explores major literary works that have come to shape the zeitgeist of the early twentieth century. The time-period covered — 1890-1930 — captures a dynamic moment in history where writers and artists experimented with new forms and styles of expression. During this time, the intensification of industrialisation and … For more content click the Read More button below. Please note this subject is only offered in years ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9


Study of major modernist literary works of the era 1890-1930 Analysis of issues that arise out of the break (which marks these texts) with traditional modes of literary representation Interrogation of concepts of the modern, modernism and modernity

Assessment items

1. Assessment 1
2. Assessment 2

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to demonstrate a knowledge of how to read literary texts that consciously break with traditional modes of representation
be able to demonstrate an awareness of historical factors that have contributed to the development of literary experimentation in the era of high modernism
be able to demonstrate a knowledge of the theoretical issues at stake in thematising the concept of modernism

Assumed knowledge
