Academic Literacies is a core subject in the Undergraduate Certificate in University Preparation. It explicitly teaches the essential academic skills required for successful university completion. Students learn to independently apply skills of critical reading and textual analysis. They are supported to source, curate and evaluate information to support their position … For more content click the Read More button below.
Reading strategies and text analysisAcademic integrity and referencingAcademic genres and the essayDeveloping ideas and creating argumentPlanning and structuring writingFinding and using evidenceDrafting and editingUsing feedback
Assessment items
1. Topic Map
2. Draft Essay
3. Final Essay
Enrolment restrictions
This subject is a core compulsory subject for the Undergraduate Certificate in University Preparation. Students in other courses who wish to enrol in this subject can only do so with the approval of the Course Director of their substantive course and with the approval of the courses Director and Head of School delegations Enabling Courses.
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Students will require a digital device (computer) and access to the internet so that access to the learning modules on the subject site and be able to access all subject-related information online.