
The subject examines the role of corporate governance in the fight against financial crime. It explores models of corporate governance and examines how organisational standards are established and maintained. The role of legal frameworks, self-regulation and corporate criminal liability are examined along with external factors that have an impact on … For more content click the Read More button below.


Legal frameworks of governanceCorporate criminal liabilityTechnology and corporate governanceCorporate social responsibilityCorporate governance failuresOrganisational changeOrganisational standardsStakeholder activismMedia and corporate governanceEthical climate of the organisation

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to evaluate and discuss the major mechanisms in corporate governance used to prevent fraud and financial crime;
be able to analyse external factors that shape the efficiency of corporate governance models to prevent fraud and financial crime;
be able to analyse a range of issues that drive and institutionalise organisational cultural improvements; and
be able to assess the ability of ethical frameworks embedded in corporate governance mechanisms to combat fraud and financial crime.