This subject will expose students to key questions in the area of management in law enforcement. This subject defines a team leader as a front line manager who leads or manages other practitioners, along with proactive and reactive law enforcement and security activities in a defined area of responsibility. Theoretical … For more content click the Read More button below.
Team ManagementLeadershipPerformance ManagementPlanningWorkplace DiversityIndustrial Issues
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to assess the implications of selected legislation and policy relating to human resource management, workplace health and safety in relation to team management and leadership
be able to address and analyse team problems in light of relevant literature and research
be able to demonstrate skills in research, analysis, evaluation, synthesis and problem solving related to team management issues
be able to select appropriate strategies to provide effective leadership for team members
be able to undertake workplace assessment in light of current police competencies
be able to manage minor projects in compliance with policy relating to human resources management, workplace diversity and industrial issues safety
be able to initiate change as required, within their area of their influence and within the limits of service policy
Enrolment restrictions
This subject is only available to students in the following courses: -
Bachelor of Policing
Bachelor of Policing (Investigations)
Bachelor of Emergency Management
Bachelor of Border Management
Bachelor of Public Safety and Security
Diploma of Policing Investigations
Diploma of Investigations