
Human rights standards are increasingly considered as a model for best practice for the criminal justice system in both developed and developing nations. The criminal justice system plays a primary role in the protection of human rights and this subject will ensure students' familiarity with human rights concepts, standards, debates, … For more content click the Read More button below.


The Ethics of the criminal justice systemLegal Powers and Human Rights Part Women's RightsChildren and Young PeopleEthnic Minorities and the criminal justice systemRefugees and Asylum SeekersDisability and Mental HealthPrisoners' RightsPrivacyTerrorism

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to describe the features of a human rights based model of best practice for a criminal justice system;
be able to evaluate the debates surrounding the use of human rights based model of criminal justice;
be able to explore how concepts of vulnerability and discrimination are understood through a rights based approach; and
be able to consider how a rights based approach can inform ethical professional practice within the criminal justice system.

Assumed knowledge

Any level2 JST subject