
This advanced policing subject seeks to address a series of contemporary, critical and emerging issues in policing. Various aspects of policing, both in Australia and internationally, along with the broader socio-political context in which policing operates, will be considered. The subject further seeks to extend upper level student knowledge of … For more content click the Read More button below.


Policing in the 21st CenturyPolice LeadershipWorking with others: Partnership working & Police PracticeThe use of force in Police PracticeForensic Science in Police PracticePolice Practice, Public & Mental HealthPolicing Domestic ViolencePolicing Hate CrimePolicing Transnational, Organised and CybercrimePreventing, Disrupting and Reducing Crime through 21st Century Policing

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to analyse various policing problems and their resolutions at a theoretical, policy and practical level;
be able to analyse and evaluate strengths and weaknesses in the policing response and provisions for each issue from a theoretical, policy and practical standpoint;
be able to analyse and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of research in the areas being studied;
be able to explain and analyse the interaction between policy and research; and
be able to demonstrate an awareness of the fluid nature of both the discipline and practice of policing.

Assumed knowledge
