Why do people offend and how should we respond to offending? Criminology: History and Theory introduces the major theoretical approaches within criminology and provides students with the theoretical tools to answer these questions. Theories about the causes of crime play a central role in criminology and in criminal justice practice. … For more content click the Read More button below.
Introduction - Studying CrimeClassical TheoryBiological and Psychological PositivismSociological Positivism - Strain TheoryInteractionism - Labelling TheoryConflict TheoriesGender and CrimeCritical CriminologyRealist ApproachesRepublican Theory and Restorative JusticeCultural Criminology
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to describe the major criminological theories that have influenced criminology over the last 200 years;
be able to explain the development of theory within political and social changes over the last 200 years;
be able to explain the development of contemporary criminological theory;
be able to evaluate contemporary criminological theories; and
be able to apply criminological theory to understand crime and responses to crime.
Assumed knowledge
Student should have completed at least one JST level 1 subject.