
In this subject students learn the architectures, models, protocols, and networking elements that connect users, devices, applications and data through the Internet and across modern computer networks - including IP addressing and Ethernet fundamentals. Students design, test and analyse the elements of small to medium-sized networks. The concepts covered in … For more content click the Read More button below.


Networking TodayBasic Switch and End Device ConfigurationProtocol ModelsPhysical LayerNumber SystemsData Link LayerEthernet SwitchingNetwork LayerAddress ResolutionBasic Router ConfigurationIPv4 and IPv6 AddressingInternet Control Message ProtocolTransport LayerApplication LayerNetwork Security FundamentalsBuild a Small Network

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to explain critical concepts in Local Area Networks;
be able to describe and design the addressing and naming schemes of data networks;
be able to analyse the communication processes across different levels in the layered architecture;
be able to design, calculate and apply subnetting in IP networks;
be able to perform and analyse tasks related to basic network configuration for routers and switches and testing; and
be able to implement foundational network security.

Assumed knowledge

It is assumed students will have completed ITC212, or content similar to.