This subject is designed for students with no prior language skills in Arabic. It presents an introduction to reading Arabic and is designed to teach students how to articulate Arabic letters, words and sentences. It will also cover writing practice of Arabic vocabulary, together with basic speaking in Arabic and … For more content click the Read More button below.
Arabic alphabet script and soundsHeavy and light lettersJoining individual letters to form wordsShort and long vowelsVariations of hamzaSukoon and ShaddaSun and moon lettersHamzatul-waslTanweenIntroductions and greetings in Arabic
Assessment items
1. Participation & Engagement
2. Worksheets
3. Mid-Session Exam
4. Final Exam
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify and proficiently pronounce the Arabic alphabet;
be able to read a basic vowelised text in Arabic with fluency;
be able to write basic Arabic words and sentences;
be able to demonstrate a basic vocabulary of commonly used words; and
be able to communicate in simple conversation related to greetings and introductions.