This subject continues from Arabic Skills 2 and introduces new topics related to everyday interactions including travelling, pilgrimage, health, holidays, looking after our health and leisure time. This subject will focus on the speaking of Arabic where the sentence structures are more complex, using higher form verbs in different tense, … For more content click the Read More button below.
Common vocabulary and conversations used when travellingPilgrimage sites and ritualsHealth related concepts and conversationsLeisure time activities Healthy lifestyle concepts and descriptions
Assessment items
1. In-class Group Activity and Post-Tutorial Quizzes
2. Weekly Pre-Tutorial Activities
3. Online Worksheets
4. Final Exam
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to use the vocabulary acquired to form new sentences based on the sentence structures covered;
be able to appropriately use higher form verbs that are related to everyday interactions in different tense, person, number and gender options;
be able to present in spoken Arabic form the topics covered; and
be able to compose 500 to 700 word stories and passages in Arabic related to the topics covered while expressing correct usage of nouns, verbs and sentence structures.
Enrolment restrictions