
This subject builds on the knowledge and skills developed in ISL232. It involves the study of a selected range of Hadith from the canonical collections, and will allow students to critically examine the text (matn) and the chain (sanad) of these selected reports together with their commentaries (sharh) from various … For more content click the Read More button below.


Sahih al-BukhariSahih al-MuslimSunan Abu DawudJami' al-TirmidhiSunan al-NasaiSunan Ibn MajaAl-Lu'lu wa al-MarjanRiyad al-Salihin

Assessment items

1. Participation and Engagement
2. Presentation
3. Exam
4. Essay

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to critically analyse and evaluate Hadith traditions;
be able to critically discuss the level of authenticity of Hadith for its social, theological and spiritual application;
be able to discuss the criteria for Hadith preference in legal applications; and
be able to investigate and discuss the primary source of Hadith material in the analysis of religious issues.