
This subject exposes students to different Qur'anic exegeses. It also includes development of different forms of exegeses, helping students to see how Muslims have benefitted from the Qur'an. It considers the different ways in which the Qur'an has been interpreted as a source of understanding and implementation for Islamic jurisprudence … For more content click the Read More button below.


Introduction to Qur'anic exegesis and its typesRiwayah tafsir, Tabari and his tafsirRiwayah tafsir, Ibn Kathir and his tafsirDirayah tafsir, Razi and his tafsirDirayah tafsir, Qadi Baydawi and his tafsirLinguistic tafsir, Zamakhshari and his tafsirTheological tafsir, Imam Maturidi and his tafsirJuristic tafsir, Jassas and his tafsirSufi tafsir, Tustarī, al-Qushayri and their … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Engagement, Participation and Debrief
2. Presentation
3. Essay
4. Exam

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to discuss the major Qur'anic exegetical types and works in the past and present;
be able to analyse and evaluate exegetical methodology by studying selected passages from a range of exegesis works covering various genres;
be able to critically deduce theological, legal and spiritual meanings from the Qur'anic verses by following exegetical methodology;
be able to critically discuss multiple meanings of the Qur'an in terms of how it is a source for multiple Islamic disciplines; and
be able to critically articulate theological, legal and spiritual knowledge and insights inherent in the Qur'an for everyday life.