
This subject explores key concepts related to the information society and knowledge economy and examines current trends and issues in this area. This includes discussion of social, cultural, legal and ethical aspects of relevant issues and their impact on information practice. There is a particular emphasis on a number of … For more content click the Read More button below.


Key concepts in the information societyInformation flow and knowledge creationRole of knowledge in societyInformation access issues including digital divide and digital inclusionE-government, e-services and e-commerceMedia and information policyInformation ethics and freedom of informationIntellectual property and open accessCultural, legal and ethical aspects of relevant issuesVarious roles of information professionals in the … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Essay - Disinformation and Misinformation
2. Essay – Sustainability and Information Society

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
analyse and synthesise issues and concepts relating to the information society and knowledge economy;
critically analyse the effects of contemporary global developments on social, legal, cultural and ethical issues of the information in society;
evaluate the role of the information professional in the information society;
explain the significance and impact of cultural diversity to work constructively in the information society with cultural competency.

Enrolment restrictions

Not available to students who have completed INF303.