This subject examines the role that metadata plays in information retrieval across a range of information environments and search contexts. It focuses on the concepts and principles involved in describing information resources, and discusses how metadata element sets and value vocabularies should be designed, evaluated and applied to optimise intellectual … For more content click the Read More button below.
Information resources' attributesLibrary Reference Model (LRM)MetadataMetadata standards and schemasMetadata sharing and metadata qualityVocabulariesTools and systems of information retrieval
Assessment items
1. LRM test
2. Creating metadata
3. Developing an application profile
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to examine the central role of accurate description and analysis of information resources in successful information retrieval;
be able to appraise the relationships between different users' needs, the description of information resources and the information retrieval systems that serve these needs;
be able to create accurate metadata for effective retrieval of information resources in online information environments;
be able to apply selected metadata standards and schema to the creation of metadata for a wide range of information resources;
be able to develop metadata element sets through designing, evaluating and modifying metadata elements according to local needs; and
be able to evaluate different issues in the application of metadata standards in different contexts.
Enrolment restrictions
This subject is not available to students who have completed subjects INF116 or INF209 or INF425.