
This subject is provided in recognition of students' full and compliant participation in an International Short Term Program. Programs will comprise 120-140 hours learning in a cultural and educational program in an international setting involving students engaging in studies of culture, language, history, art, etc. with visits to sites of … For more content click the Read More button below.


Pre-departure orientation to international partner institutions and personnel Intercultural social activity Studies of culture: through one or more of history, language, art, music, food, dance, customs, communications and professional experiences Visits to sites of historical, cultural, national and local significance Post-program debriefing to enhance learning outcomesKeeping a record of experiences … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
develop an improved ability to think globally and consider issues from other cultural perspectives
demonstrate an awareness of their own cultures and its perspectives, and other cultures and their perspectives
appreciate the importance of multicultural diversity to professional practice in their field of study
appreciate the complex and interacting factors that contribute to notions of culture and cultural relationships
value diversity of language and culture
develope cross-cultural communication skills and some facility with local language
develope social, cultural and educational knowledge and understanding of the specific context of the international experience.

Assumed knowledge


Learning activities

International Exchange