This subject provides students with knowledge and insight into sexual assault, family violence and the resulting associated trauma. Students will develop an understanding of the impacts experienced by at risk communities and groups affected by sexual assault or family violence, and the associated trauma. This subject highlights the links between … For more content click the Read More button below.
This subject will cover the following modules:
Module 1: Issues for the professional;Module 2: Sexual assault;Module 3: Family and domestic violence;Module 4: Understanding trauma;Module 5: Healing from trauma; andModule 6: Cultural perspectives.
Assessment items
1. Evaluation of trauma informed care standards
2. Client interview skills - recording
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
research, analyse and critically discuss the impact and prevalence of family violence, sexual assault and associated trauma for at risk communities and groups;
identify issues and barriers to reporting/disclosing sexual assault and family violence for at risk communities and groups;
critically evaluate strategies for best practice when working in the area of sexual assault, family violence and associated trauma;
discuss the principles underpinning effective partnerships with community agencies when planning initiatives to address sexual assault, family violence and associated trauma; and
respond appropriately and effectively to issues of sexual assault, family violence and associated trauma at a beginner practitioner level.
Enrolment restrictions
Bachelor of Human Services
Bachelor of Social Work